Possip Founder Becomes First Black Woman in Tennessee to Raise $1 Million for a Startup

Shani Dowell, the founder of Possip and first Black woman to raise $1 million for a startup

Possip is a virtual platform designed to provide schools with regular feedback from parents, is a startup uniquely positioned at the intersection of race, education, and entrepreneurship. Their founder, Shani Dowell, has raised $1 million for Possip, making her the first Black woman in Tennessee to raise that much for a startup company.

Possip is designed to encourage communication between parents and administrators on a regular basis, ensuring that issues are addressed before they turn into problems. This has helped them to pivot well during the COVID-19 and later to initiate conversations about racial equality in schools.

Dowell hopes that her app will help administrators know about acts of racism and microaggressions in their buildings and on school buses. For decades these issues would come home but never be addressed with school officials because there was never a priority on incremental conversation, conversations would only occur when they reached a critical point.

With their partnership with over 250 schools and 150,000 parents, Possip is positioned to create real change and make it easier for schools to address these behaviors. In the month of July alone, Possip has booked more revenue than they did in all of 2019, so it’s clear that nothing can stop Possip as they continue to raise the bar and show what social enterprises can do.

Check out the Tennessean to learn more about Shani’s story!

To learn more about Possip, visit https://possip.com/.

Laura Randall-Tepe