An Important Announcement from Executive Director Bill Tucker

Over a decade ago, I joined Flywheel whose founders’ vision was to create a “hub” for social entrepreneurship. For me, it was the perfect “second act” as the business skills I had acquired were equally valuable working with entrepreneurs who wanted to improve the social fabric of the community.

For everything there is a season, and with both joy and sorrow to share the news that I will be retiring from Flywheel on June 30th.

Since arriving at Flywheel over a decade ago, Flywheel’s programs have evolved, and yet our mission to “equip” social entrepreneurs has never wavered. I am proud of what we’ve accomplished in advocating for and being allies of social entrepreneurs. In the last five years, we have helped to launch dozens of social enterprises with over 80% still operating.

Flywheel is in the strongest position it’s ever been; a talented team, dedicated volunteer coaches, an engaged Board, healthy financials, and a plan for the future. I am excited for Flywheel and the skills, lived experiences, and cultural competencies that the next leader of Flywheel will bring.

My time at Flywheel has been a blast! We’ve forged new partnerships, developed new programs, and brought more individuals into our work than I ever thought possible. A million thank you’s to everyone who shared their wisdom, brought new insights, and offered to help. I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by so very many smart people.

– Bill Tucker, Executive Director

Laura Randall-Tepe