On The Fly: Councilmember Owens Joins Flywheel for Demo Day!

This week, Flywheel Executive Director,Laura Randall-Tepe, checked in with Cincinnati Council Member Meeka Owens. 

Meeka will be the Keynote speaker at the SustainableCincy Demo Day on November 16th at MadTree Brewing. 

Meeka: “I’m so happy you asked me to give the keynote at Demo Day. It looks like you have some really interesting startup companies.”

Laura: “It’s quite a mix!  We have a company that is using bugs to change the way farmers feed their livestock. We also have an invention that will make neighborhood litter cleanups easy, fun and rewarding.”

Meeka: “I can’t wait to see that.  Did you know the City gets more citizen complaints about litter than any other issue?”

Laura: “Wow. You’re going to like that one then.  We have two companies that have strategies to help companies do a better job of setting and achieving their ESG goals. That means their Environment, Social and Governance goals.

There have been a few stories in the Wall Street Journal recently about how companies are struggling to get that right. We have entrepreneurs with experience in that area who have solutions.”

Meeka: “That’s good. If companies do better with sustainability and justice, our communities will do better too

Laura: “We also have two guys who love plants who want to make it easier for the home gardener to select plants that grow well in their conditions.”

Meeka: “I’m looking forward to seeing them all. I chair the Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, and we are working hard on the Green Cincinnati Plan so these issues are important to me. I hope people join me in seeing what Flywheel Founders are doing!”