Meet the Cohort: Destigmatizing Mental Self Care with Markers and Pencils

Flywheel: Describe your business in 2 sentences or less.

Jide: Our business creates M.E.S.H. Books, adult coloring books designed to tackle mental health issues through engaging and accessible content. These books combine games, stories, journaling, and therapeutic exercises to help individuals cope with stress, anxiety, and trauma in a relatable way.

Flywheel: What inspired you to start your venture?

Jide: The inspiration for my venture came from a life-changing event—a serious accident—that plunged me into a battle with physical and emotional recovery. This experience revealed the limitations of traditional mental health support and drove me to create a unique solution that blended art, creativity, and therapy to help others navigate their own journeys through stress, anxiety, and trauma.

Flywheel: If you are wildly successful, how will our community be a better place?

Jide: If we are wildly successful, our community will be a place where mental health support is accessible, engaging, and relatable. People will have easy access to tools that help them cope with stress, anxiety, and trauma, leading to a more supportive and understanding environment where individuals can thrive and personal growth is encouraged.

Flywheel: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up and why?

Jide: As a child, I dreamed of becoming an artist or creator because I loved expressing myself through drawing and imagination. The idea of bringing new things to life and sharing them with others fascinated me, and it laid the groundwork for my journey into the world of art and creativity.

Flywheel: What’s a good piece of advice you got from a former boss or mentor?

Jide: A great piece of advice I received from a former boss was, "Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success." This reminded me that setbacks are a natural part of growth and innovation, encouraging me to learn from mistakes and keep pushing forward. I learned this from a mentor I had at Northern Kentucky University.

Flywheel: What’s a household chore you enjoy doing and why?

Jide: One household chore I enjoy doing is sweeping my hardwood floors. It's satisfying to see dust disappear. The sweeping motion is also calming, providing a moment to clear my mind.

Favorite Cincinnati Food?

Jide: Grippos BBQ Chips, UDF Ice Cream

Flywheel: What is your super power?

Jide: My superpower is empathy—the ability to understand and connect with others on a deep level. This allows me to build meaningful relationships, offer genuine support, and create solutions that resonate with people's experiences and needs.

Laura Randall-Tepe