Our Josie Does Next

I am so happy to share the exciting news that our Josie Dalton has been named the Assistant Director of the University of Cincinnati Center for Entrepreneurship.  It's is a career changing opportunity for her.  While all of us at Flywheel are sad to see her go, we are thrilled that her talent has been noticed and her career will grow to the next level. 

Josie has been such an asset to Flywheel over the past five years. She knows everyone and everything.  She’s fast as lightning, a great problem solver, and a ray of positive energy that makes everyone’s day. Anyone who has heard me talk about becoming the Executive Director at Flywheel knows that the highlight is working with Josie. I am going to miss all that she does but most of all, all that she is. 

I'm so glad she will be remaining in our startup ecosystem and we will cross paths often.  Please send her your best wishes.

Laura Randall-Tepe