On the Fly: Periodic Reflections from Flywheel's Executive Director

Still, in my second month as Executive Director, I am learning so much about Flywheel and this dynamic Cincinnati startup ecosystem. The overwhelming theme I’ve discovered is partnership. Here at Union Hall, we are surrounded by the Cintrifuse team and dozens of founders in residence. We collaborate with Alloy, Green Umbrella, and of course our long-standing relationship with Miami University and their Social Enterprise Fund to name a few. 

I have been meeting our dedicated coaches and our supportive Philanthropreneurs® who make our work possible. 

This week and last we have been interviewing our applicants for the new SustainableCincy accelerator. It’s inspiring to meet the smart, determined founders, committed to making a more sustainable community.  Stay tuned for our cohort announcement early next month! 

We are fortunate to have corporate sponsors that make SustainableCincy possible. Electrada, Donovan Energy, Michelman, and the UC Center for Entrepreneurship are with us. We also have a great relationship with MadTree Brewing through the company’s commitment to sustainability and women leaders. I’m proud to have been invited by MadTree to join their Ascending Women Series on August 30th. I will be joined by three other fantastic women for a discussion about finding purpose in work. 

As some of you may know, I failed retirement because I wasn’t finding quite enough purpose in long walks and pickleball, or maybe just because my game was lacking. Either way, I missed the community of ideas and constant learning that comes from a dynamic work environment. If you’d like to hear the discussion, please join me at MadTree. You can register here. I’ll look forward to seeing you there. 

Laura Randall-Tepe