On the Fly: This is so 2022

This is so 2022

And we are just getting started

This is the time of year when we tend to reflect. How did we spend our time? Did we make good decisions? What did we accomplish? Was it good enough? Did our heads, hands, and hearts make a difference in this world?  

As many of you know, I joined Flywheel in June, replacing the beloved Bill Tucker. My experience prepared me as much as anyone can be prepared but whew!, running a small nonprofit means wearing a lot of hats. Not only that, so much institutional knowledge goes out the door with the exiting leader. Fortunately, Bill was generous when I needed advice. He will always be a part of Flywheel. 

When the excellence of our longtime program manager, Josie Dalton, was rewarded with a fantastic new career opportunity, the friends of Flywheel stepped in to assure my first accelerator cohort would be a success. Melisse May, Sue Baggott, Joan Kaup, Paul Szydlowski, and Fred Hilkowitz all did double duty as coaches for founders and my support team as I learned the ropes. I was fortunate to find Miyah Byrd who stepped in to help manage the cohort. I could not have done it without her. The Flywheel Board was right there with me. Danyelle Wright, Dan Poston, Susan Ingmire, Neil Tilow, and Becky Riegelsberger provided tremendous support. 

In November, in front of a sold out crowd at the MadTree Brewing barrel room, we graduated our five social ventures from SustainableCincy.  I am looking forward to watching their progress as they take on beta customers, refine their offerings, build their businesses, and track the impact they are making on the environment. 

Staring in January, We are bringing the one-two punch of advanced academic study and lived experience in diversity, equity, and inclusion to our Elevate Equity program with the addition of Latavia Walker as Program Manager. Latavia will also be designing additional entrepreneur success programming to address the unique needs of underrepresented founders as we explore new ways to support social entrepreneurs in our community. Latavia is a Doctoral candidate at Northern Kentucky University in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Social Justice. Previously, she was developing programming to support college success for first-generation students from underserved communities. She is inspired by the opportunity to leverage entrepreneurship to reduce the impact of bias and increase inclusion. 

As I look forward to 2023 I am keeping top of mind what makes Flywheel special. In a startup ecosystem that tends to prefer founders who look like successful founders of the past, we focus on what the founder’s heart looks like. Flywheel is for founders who want to be part of creating a more equitable and sustainable community. Flywheel is for founders who want to solve problems others want to pretend don't exist. Flywheel is for founders who are likely to be underestimated because they are leading with purpose before revenue. Flywheel is for founders who put commitment first and polish second. Flywheel is for founders who believe doing well doesn't matter if you are not doing good.

Thank you to all the friends of Flywheel that helped us through 2022.  To those who provided financial support, you keep the wheels turning and we couldn't do it without you.  To our volunteers, you are the heart of Flywheel.  I am in awe of the connections you make with our founders and your dedication to their success. To our founders, your commitment to change is an inspiration to us all.

As we stop to celebrate the holiday season, know that you are all deeply appreciated. Raise a glass to 2023 but hold on. It's going to be quite a ride and I will need you with me.  Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Laura Randall-Tepe